Useful Links
The following web sites may help British readers with further information:
- The Arboricultural Association - for your local Approved Tree Consultant - eg. Simon Pryce or John Cromar for London and SE England
- The Forestry Commission - excellent advice on trees, plus sale of leaflets. Also 'Tree Help Line', a pay-line: 0906 516114
- The Insurance Ombudsman
- The National House Building Council (NHBC)
- The Building Research Establishment (BRE)
- The Timber Research and Development Association (TRADA)
- The Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS)
- The Institute of Structural Engineers (ISE)
- The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
- The Royal Horticultural Society Gardens, Wisley
- Hillier Arboretum - for visiting and buying; near Romsey, Hants.
- Notcutt’s Nurseries - for buying; several outlets
And the following is a selection of specialist publications on tree root problems:
- Biddle, P.G. Tree Root Damage to Buildings. Book - 2 volumes. A very thorough presentation of all aspects of this field.
- BRE Digest 298. Low rise building foundations: the influence of trees in clay soils.
- BS5837:1991 - Trees in Relation to Construction. Booklet. Order direct from The British Standards Institution.
- Chapter 4.2: Building near Trees. Booklet. Published by the NHBC. Design and depth of new foundations on clay soils near trees.
- Cutler, D.F. & Richardson, I.B.K. Tree Roots and Buildings. Detailed in publications page on this web site.